Jisc is the digital and data body dedicated to shaping the future of education and research. By harnessing the power of technology and data, it provides vital digital infrastructure and shared services that inform, protect and promote UK education and research.
Roffey Park Institute is a centre of expertise in organisational development, consultancy, learning and development whose mission is rooted in breaking down barriers within workplaces, striving to create environments that are conducive to growth and success.
Recently, Jisc partnered with Roffey Park Institute to co-design a Leadership Development programme for 200 people leaders and 60 strategic leaders.
Platinum publisher Maarten Hoffmann sat down with Harriet Attwood, Head of Talent Development at Jisc, to understand more about its relationship with Roffey Park, and the impact that the Leadership Development Programme has had on Jisc.
Tell us more about Jisc
Jisc is the UK digital, data and technology body focused on tertiary education, research and innovation.
We provide the Janet network, the UK’s national research and education network (NREN) that is used by 18 million people, all protected by its in-built, world-class cyber security. Through our sector-wide deals and shared services we save education and research over £300 million annually.
Our solutions, informed by our expertise and experience, help our customers navigate digital transformation efficiently and successfully.
Who are your customers?
We support members across the further education, higher education and research sectors across the UK, but also work with customers in the public sector, independent education, schools, non-profits and industry.
Can you explain why you sought a partner to collaborate with to deliver this Leadership Development programme?
We sought a particular focus on upskilling our people, and leaders’ ability to give effective feedback and develop their strategic thinking, communication, prioritisation, inclusivity and self-awareness. We emphasised to the Roffey Park Institute (RPI) our desire to establish the long-term sustainability of the programme through developing the in-house capabilities of our employees.
We co-designed a programme with RPI that would assist in embedding our newly published ‘People’ strategy whilst also equipping our people managers with the skills to become authentic and inspirational leaders.
Can you explain a bit more how the programme was co-created?
The solution we designed together consisted of six virtual modules, Insights Discovery personal development profiles and 360 reports on participants, Action Learning Sets (ALS), facilitation skills training, in-house coaching and online masterclasses. A combination of internal facilitators and alternative suppliers designed and delivered Module 1 and Module 8. A number of these elements, including the creation and design of the 360 tool were led by Jisc, highlighting the co-creation and support provided.
Run us through what was delivered by Roffey Park,
RPI has recently delivered 20 cohorts of up to 20 delegates. It was important to Jisc to have mixed cohorts to give participants a diagonal slice perspective of Jisc, to enable them to see where there were similarities and differences in experiences across the organisation and at different levels. The programme designed and delivered six modules on the following topics:
1. Emotional Intelligence & Self-Awareness
2. Influence & Communication
3. Feedback for Performance
4. Leading Teams
5. Strategic Awareness
6. Leading change
Before each of these modules, learners were issued a variety of pre-work activities. Learners also attended a digital launch event before the first module to set the programme’s expectations and objectives. This enabled RPI to engage with the appropriate stakeholders to ensure the programme reflected Jisc’s current needs and organisational culture.
Before attending Module 1, participants received their Insights Discovery personal development profiles and 360-degree feedback. These tools help reveal to leaders their leadership style, their strengths and weaknesses, value to their teams, communication styles and suggestions for further development. These insights were explored in Module 1, which was delivered by Jisc’s internal learning and development team.
Embedded throughout each individual’s learning journey were five internally facilitated Action Learning Sets (ALS). During these interactive sessions, groups of leaders from across Jisc would meet to resolve work-related problems, to come away with a set of realistic actions that could be integrated into the workplace. These sessions enable individuals to see how others approach challenges and expose ways of working. This encouraged participants to learn how to engage in difficult conversations, navigate conflict and improve their communication and collaboration skills.
Roffey Park Institute provided facilitation skills training for 15 in-house Jisc coaches around action learning to develop internal capability and generate sustainable change beyond the lifetime of the programme.
How did the programme conclude?
Jisc ran a celebration event to recognise and appreciate the efforts of participants that aimed to motivate learners to continue applying their new-found skills to become authentic leaders and embed our new People Strategy. It provided an additional opportunity for leaders across the organisation to meet and network, strengthening the sense of community and shared understanding of accountability.
What impact has the programme had on Jisc?
It was important to us to evaluate the impact of the programme. Key findings revealed that participants valued the interactive aspects of the programme and sought the length of the facilitated modules to be shorter to increase the space and time for break-out discussions and the application of theory to practice.
Leveraging these insights, RPI amended the programme to be delivered over a longer period and allocated more time for the interactive elements of the solution so participants could practice transferring the learning and engage in reflective discussion in breakout groups.
The evaluation revealed that, overall, participants felt an increased confidence in their leadership and management skills. Participants reported that the Action Learning Sets were the most positive and powerful element of the programme.
What other impacts did the evaluation find?
Participants reported significant changes to their ways of thinking and leadership practice. Some specific examples of how this programme impacted participants thinking included their improved view of diversity and inclusion, emotional intelligence, influencing skills, and generally, a variety of communication styles used aligned with contemporary leadership.
They also expressed seeing the importance of being able to create a safe space for their teams to be able to express their opinions and comfortably share their vulnerability. A contributing factor to these changes was the mixed cohorts which enabled participants to network and connect across the organisation.
What difference has working with Roffey Park Institute made?
Firstly, we are proud that the leadership programme we co-designed with RPI was shortlisted in 2023 for ‘Most Innovative Institute Approved Programme award’ by The Institute of Leadership.
Furthermore, RPI has been an excellent co-pilot on our journey of leadership development at Jisc. I have valued their flexibility and creativity and preparedness to make changes based on feedback. It was essential to me that we develop a sustainable programme, developing in-house skills and capabilities to deliver impactful aspects such as action learning.
This has had positive ripple effects across Jisc in terms of a strong coaching and leadership culture and I’m proud of what the programme has achieved and continues to achieve!