In early February Gatwick Diamond Business (gdb) carried out the regular Poll to measure the Membership’s views on a second runway at Gatwick Airport.
The gdb group has been representing the region's businesses for 65 years, and is seen as a respected and influential voice. The result of a poll showed that businesses are firmly behind an expansion of Gatwick Airport.
The Poll has shown that businesses continue to support the development of Runway 2 at Gatwick. The findings (below) show that 88% of Members who responded are in favour of a second runway at Gatwick whilst 7% are in opposition. The others were unable to express an opinion or needed further information on the issues.
2018 Survey
In Favour of Runway 2 at Gatwick - 88%
Against Runway 2 - 7%
Require more information - 4%
Abstained - 1%
Jeremy Taylor, CE of gdb, said “As a representative body, we need to know what our Members think and it is important that we check with them on crucial issues such as this.
“Whilst the runway debate continues, and the option of developing Heathrow is still under scrutiny by Parliament and the Transport Select Committee, our Member businesses are obviously keen to see this airport grow. These businesses are invested in the region, they and their staff live and work in the region around Gatwick so it is important we reflect their views.
“But I’m also keen to listen to those who oppose Airport growth and look forward to hearing from them. “
In previous years, the Survey has shown that there is strong support for the Second Runway from the Membership of Gatwick Diamond Business:
About Gatwick Diamond Business
Established for 65 years, Gatwick Diamond Business (gdb) has been the leading voice for business and commerce in Sussex and Surrey. Representing business across the South East, we provide a united voice to influence Local and Central Government issues.
gdb is a company limited by guarantee, run by the members for the members. It is also financially and politically independent.