The world is full of recruiters. There’s never been so many because the jobs market is so active right now! The majority of them will tell you, “We’re different from the rest” or,“We’re passionate about exceeding customer expectation.”
It’s just words. Even as recruiters, we recognise there are good and bad recruiters, but it’s quite a challenge knowing who to believe.
So here’s our top ways to sort out the good from the bad recruiters. This applies whatever side of the fence you stand, candidate or employer:
Go for an independent agency - they’re more about people than process. Big brands are the other way round.
Check out their job ads. If they’re well written and not a cut-and-paste, that’s a sign they can be bothered to get the basics right.
Check out their social media feeds. You can tell a lot about people when they’re off guard. Read their blogs. That’s where they often tell you what they really think.
When you meet them for the first time, do they want to talk about you or them? If it’s more about them, just say “Cheerio” without a blink of an eye.
When they pitch their fee, check it’s not just hopeful. Challenge them. If they drop their fee by 5% or more immediately, walk away. If they stick to their guns, they’re likely to be doing it considering the resources they’ll need to commit to get the job done properly.
Ask them about their Privacy Policy. Under the new GDPR legislation, they should be all over it. If they’re not, it’s another sign you need to look elsewhere.
We could tell you how nice we are at the RSE group (we are, well most of us…), or that we’re all about animals (we have seven, yes 7, office dogs), or that we’ve won awards (most recently we won the Best Recruitment Agency, Best Boss and Team of the Year) and people do say nice things about us. For example
David Ruddle, Owner of the Bestof Eastbourne said “In the time that I have worked with the RSE Group, I have been impressed with the positive impact they have had on many of TheBestOf Eastbourne business members helping them secure more staff”
We don’t just do recruitment either. We’re here to support you on all your people needs:
- Permanent and Temporary Recruitment
- Executive Search
- Psychometric Assessments
- Outplacement
- Leadership and Management Mentoring and Coaching
- Wellbeing and Confidence Coaching
But none of that counts if we don’t meet your particular needs as a client or candidate.
Do some research before you commit to any recruitment agency. The time you take to check them out before will pay you back in spades later on.
If you want a local and reliable recruitment business, then please feel free to research us. Don’t just take our word for it #practicewhatyoupreach