Having opened a new office in Reigate at the start of 2023, the MHA team has expanded significantly and is keen to get out into the local business community and continue to grow the client base.
MHA already offers a top tier professional service to many vibrant businesses in Sussex and Surrey and welcomes the opportunity to help many more.
Physical presence isn’t everything, but I do think it makes a difference when your accountant is geographically in the same area as you. At MHA, we become your trusted advisor for all your financial needs; a sounding board, and a confidant. That, in my experience, is greatly aided by a bit of time spent with each other, face to face – sometimes debating, sometimes disagreeing but always communicating honestly and openly.
Every town in the Gatwick Diamond has its own mix of successful, innovative, and growing businesses, radiating out from the focal point of Gatwick Airport. The Gatwick Diamond economy out-performs most of the UK’s other economic areas due to its world class transport connections, innovation, diversity of businesses and, most importantly, the people that call it home. It’s very easy to get excited about the future when you’re based here, interacting with successful businesses day in, day out.
I have been delighted to spend the past year working with MHA to help build up our presence in the Gatwick Diamond. I have met lots of fantastic people and businesses, all with different personalities and drivers behind them. All of them unified by a desire to promote our region and create sustainable, profitable businesses that help support the communities in which we all live.
I grew up in Dorking and, as a boy, was struck by, and was proud of, the successful businesses that formed part of the community. In some cases, it was part of the actual landscape – such as Denbies Wine Estate. I just about remember when the vineyard wasn’t there and what a wonderful addition it has been, supporting the local community in lots of different ways, such as their apprenticeship scheme and when they housed the performing arts library.
I’ve always been interested in how businesses make a profit, and with a slightly more entrepreneurial streak than some of my peers, I quickly realised how difficult it is to make those profits sustainable.
I loved audit work partly because I got to see under the bonnet and see how these successful businesses do it! What surprised me is that they all had different approaches, models, systems, and processes. There is no single way to business success other than dogged determination, mixed with a healthy dose of common sense, humility, and a little good fortune at times.
My hopes for our new office and region is for us to be a standard bearer of quality, professional business services as we continue to enhance our ability to support entrepreneurs, individuals, SMEs and multi-national corporations in the beautiful towns and villages that make up our home.
I constantly drive our teams to provide excellent client service and delivery, working for and with them to help create successful, sustainable businesses that contribute to a global economy that aims to achieve a better future for all.
As the UK independent member firm of Baker Tilly International, ranked ninth globally by size, we provide premier accounting, assurance, tax, and specialist business advice worldwide, drawing on internationally recognised industry and service line experts in 145 countries.
If you need business services, support, or advice we will have an expert who can support you regardless of the scale of your business, be it local, national, or international.
If that sounds like something that appeals to you, or you just want to share your thoughts on some of the issues I’ve just raised in this article, please do get in touch. I’d be delighted to speak to you.
Contact David Boosey, Audit Partner, MHA
E: david.boosey@mha.co.uk