Large Business The Gemini Print Group

Which awards did Gemini Print win at the 2017 Adur & Worthing Business Awards?

All the team at the Gemini Print Group were very proud to win:

Large Business of the Year (50+ Employees), sponsored by Worthing Pier, Southern Pavillion

Young Achiever of the Year, sponsored by Lancing Preparatory School at Worthing: BEN GRIGGS

Overall Business of the Year, sponsored by Electronic Temperature Instruments Ltd

Why are these awards important?

The printing industry has had a very tough few years. Now businesses have learnt to recognise the power of print and paper again, and its significant position of trust and responsiveness compared to digital only. It is a business that demands a lot of skilled people and significant capital investment to ensure clients are gaining the best value and standards of results, so it has to be a courageous team that does an MBO during this time! To have the recognition from peers in the region was a significant accolade for all the team! It is also exciting that these wins automatically make you eligible for the Southern Business Awards this autumn.

Is it particularly pleasing that one of your young staff members was recognised?

When you have a company that is led by a man who has risen “from van driver to CEO”, it is clear that career development and opportunities for all to progress are part of the culture. Ben Griggs is a young man who needed to make a change in job function following an accident, and he has continued to excel while he is learning the intricacies of a complex industry. Every printing project is bespoke, so the multitude of options demand great attention to detail, patience and a focus on delighting the customer. Ben’s colleagues were very pleased for him but had no sympathy for the pain of his hangover following the award event celebrations!

What advice would you give to people thinking of entering this year?

 As the saying goes: “If you’re not in it,  you can’t win it.”  The process of writing the entry is good at alerting you to the things to be proud of and the opportunities to improve aspects of what you do – things that can easily get forgotten when you are busy day to day focussing on your work.  Enjoy being proud of what you do!  Please feel free to ask me for any input or help. Email me

Why is Adur and Worthing a good place to do business?

 Shoreham by Sea, where our head office and the main production units are based, is an excellent position – sitting midway between Worthing and Brighton while still being within the Gatwick Diamond.

Clients like the fact that they can visit without getting snarled up in a city centre. The region has so much to offer with the high standard of the workforce, the wonderful area for the teams and their families to live in plus the huge selection of attractions that provide extra motivation for clients to enjoy spending time at Gemini Print.

Entries are now open for the 2018 Adur & Worthing Business Awards. To enter go to Don’t hesitate, the deadline is Friday September 21st 2018.

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