Platinum Media Group
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Kamala Harris - the next US president?

Should many of the pundits be correct in the assertion that Biden will not see out the first four years, whether from age, illness...


A slightly surreal Scottish Road trip. In a Land Rover. ...

The Yoga Series - part 3

A guide to mastering the poses of Sun Salutation ...

Top vegan trends for 2021 and beyond?

In the space of just one year to November 2020, Deliveroo reported a 115% increase in demand for plant-based meals. The UK is the largest...

Children's homework dilemma

With online schooling having become a large factor in so many of our lives this year, the Knowledge Academy have issued a survey detailing...

Where are all the female authors?

Business leaders come in all shapes and sizes but one thing they all have in common is they are at least partly responsible for the...

Opportunities await...

... you just have to take them...

Let's make 2021 a less taxing year

The turn of the year is the perfect time to make use of the available tax reliefs and allowances, says Samantha Kaye from Wellesley...

The Eton Mess

The Patriarchy Paradox DebacleWhen I watched the Patriarchy Paradox video at the centre of the Eton schoolmaster dismissal, I was both...

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